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Friendly and helpful office staff re queries about equipment to order. Easy to order and process. On site team arrived timely and assembled equipment - no fuss - obviously well practiced. They managed the event attendees (mainly families) very well and feedback from attendees was that they loved all the activities. The face painter was busy for the whole time and satisfied all her (little) customers. Very pleased with the seemless operation and felt it was good value for money. Highly recommend. – Please write a quick testimonial telling us about the great experience you have had with The Fun Experts?

  • 10/10 – How likely are you to recommend The Fun Experts to a friend or colleague?
  • 10/10 – Before your event, were you happy with the service you received whilst enquiring, booking and arranging your event?
  • 10/10 – How would you rate our Fun Experts on the day of your event?
  • 10/10 – How would you rate our equipment?
  • 10/10 – How would you rate us as 'The Fun Experts'?

13 Jul 23

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Fantastic! Thanks so much for your feedback 👍

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